Sacmi to Spotlight Multiple Products for the Brick Industry at ceramitec 2015

Sacmi Heavy Clay will present its range of complete plants for the brick industry at ceramitec 2015, which will be held October 20-23. For example, the EKO self-recovery burner solution, applied to the thermal machines produced by Sacmi Forni, encompasses a wide product line ranging from high-speed side burners to roof burners with automatic ignition systems, up to the classic air and gas mixture burners. In addition to the burners on display, visitors will have the opportunity to become better acquainted with Sacmi Heavy Clay’s plants for rapid drying and advanced plants for handling (developed with Cosmec, which was acquired by Sacmi in 2014).
A cutting multiwire machine will also be on display. Manufactured by Cosmec, the unit is designed to meet the cutting requirements of any type of product, with horizontal, vertical or combined multiple cuts; passing through multiple cuts with accompanying rods and on passage; and various special multiple cutting systems. The Cosmec cutting machine can reportedly work without the need for a central support of the cutting wires by allowing maximum flexibility in the dimensions of the extrusion die and in the production chain. The wire tensioning system ensures maximum accuracy during the cutting stage and is designed to minimize the possibility of breakage, thus reducing maintenance time.
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