Ceramic Industry News / Brick and Structural Clay

Brick Industry Association Seeks Submissions

March 5, 2013
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The Brick Industry Association (BIA) recently announced it has opened entry submissions for its 2013 Brick in Architecture Awards. New category divisions have been added this year, as well as a new Renovation/Restoration category. Entries are due by April 30. The 2013 awards competition will be conducted entirely online. Architectural and design firms from around the country can enter their best material to be judged by a jury of their peers.

“As a versatile building material made in America made from abundant natural resources, there is no substitute for genuine clay brick,” said Gregg Borchelt, P.E., president and CEO. “In addition to its unmatched durability and many benefits from its physical properties, brick offers aesthetic flexibility to match the architect’s imagination and desires, and is a main element in sustainable design.”

Categories include:

  • Commercial (under $10 million)–new
  • Commercial (over $10 million)–new
  • Education–K-12
  • Education–Colleges and Universities (Higher Education)–new
  • Health Care Facilities
  • Municipal/Government
  • Houses of Worship
  • Residential–Single Family
  • Residential–Multi-Family
  • Renovation (Additions)/Restoration (Restoring)–new
  • Paving and Landscape Projects

For additional information, visit www.gobrick.com.

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