10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology

6/2/13 to 6/7/13
Hotel Del Coronado
San Diego, CA
United States

PACRIM 10 is designed for materials scientists, engineers, researchers and manufacturers, delivering the opportunity to share knowledge and state-of-the-art advancements in materials technology. This is the tenth in a series of international conferences that provide a forum for the presentations and information exchange on emerging ceramic and glass technologies. The conference series began in 1993 and was last held in 2009 in Cairns, Australia, under the organization of The Australian Ceramic Society. The Chinese Ceramic Society and the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences organized in 2007, and ACerS organized PACRIM6 in Maui, Hawaii.




Thermal Processing Optimization: Using Advanced Rotary Tube Internals

Mike Maggio of Harper International discusses rotary tube internals with Susan Sutton, editor-in-chief.

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Ceramic Industry Magazine

CI May 2013 cover

2013 May

The 2013 May Ceramic Industry includes articles on treating heat like light, recycling, solar energy, and more. Check it out today!

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Handbook of Advanced Ceramics Machining

Ceramics, with their unique properties and diverse applications, hold the potential to revolutionize many industries, including automotive and semiconductors.

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