
Inside CI: Steady Dedication

What articles have been most useful to you, and which ones did you skip over?

I’m writing this column one day after the horrific terror attacks in Boston. Authorities are unsure whether the origination was domestic or foreign, and we’ve all got more questions than answers. The thoughts and prayers of all of us at Ceramic Industry are with those affected by the attacks.

Yesterday’s events truly epitomize the phrase senseless violence. These twisted individuals should realize that—whatever their goal—it cannot be achieved through the murder of innocent Americans. If the days, weeks, months and years following September 11, 2001, have proven anything at all, it should be that the U.S. and its citizens never give up. Are we all horrified by the events in Boston? Yes, of course we are. Will we mourn those we’ve lost? Of course we will. But consider this: Will Boston rebuild? Of course it will. And will the Boston Marathon be held next year? Of course it will.

Adlai Stevenson once said, “Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.” While there’s nothing tranquil about recent events, our dedication will not only remain undaunted—it will certainly be strengthened. We will not let this senseless barbarism deter us as individuals or as a nation.

Instead, along with Bostonians and the rest of the nation, we will continue to look to the future. At CI, we’ll focus on the business at hand and continue the process of planning our editorial offerings for 2014. Please share your feedback. What articles have been most useful to you, and which ones did you skip over? What new topics or technologies would you like us to cover? And how do you prefer to receive this information (e.g., print, digital, website, multimedia, e-newsletters, etc.)?

 Please send your comments and suggestions to me at, or feel free to give me a call at (330) 336-4098. I look forward to hearing from you as we all continue on in our steady dedication. 

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Susan Sutton is Editor-in-Chief, Integrated Media of Ceramic Industry magazine. She can be reached at or (330) 336-4098.

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