New Products / Product Highlights

Metso BEST, Inc.: Bulk Bag Unloader

Metso BEST, Inc.’s model MTU-2500 bulk bag unloader with bag extension is designed for optimum discharge of problematic caked or packed bulk solids materials. The unit’s upper bag transport support frame is mounted on four permanently gas-filled cylinders. As the load in the bulk bag diminishes, the frame raises the bag, elongating its nose. Remaining material is efficiently and effectively discharged.

Standard equipment includes safety and dust control features, bag transporter, bag untie via dust-control access door, 3 in. diameter dust take-off port, pre-punched uni-strut frame, bag agitation air cylinders for controlled unloading, manually operated valve, and filter/regulator control. Options include 304 stainless steel product contact surfaces, level control with automatic signaling for agitation and an 8 in. diameter IRIS valve at the outlet.

For more information, call (330) 273-1277 or (800) 827-9237, fax (330) 225-8740, e-mail, or visit


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Bulk Bag Unloader

CampCorp Inc.
May 15, 2012
CampCorp Inc. manufactures the Bulk Bag Unloader which have highest standards of quality and durability.




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